Monday, March 8, 2010

9 Months Old & 2 Months Till VEGAS

Today marks 9 months for Reagan! Wow, how the time has flown by. Can't believe I need to start thinking about her 1st Birthday soon!!! Poor little thing has been sick lately. It started out as a cold early last week and progressed into vomiting and diarrhea. She was only throwing up once per day, and 2 blow-outs a day. I took her to the Dr. on Thursday cause they said they wanted to see her. I left work early, Reagan needed her mommy, and knowing how sick she was, I couldn't get to her fast enough. Turned out it is a virus, so the ped told me to keep pushing fluids, that's all I could do. Well, she drank a lot of pedialyte on Thursday and slept a lot. She seemed to be on the mend by Thursday night, but then not good on Friday. Anyways, as of last night, I think she's a lot better. Ryan and I took her on a walk yesterday in her stroller. She was so cute; she just leaned back and chilled with her shades on the whole time. Think the fresh air was good for her, I know it was for me. Was home all weekend!!! We did go eat dinner at Joe & Lindsey's on Saturday night, but Reagan wasn't really feeling it, so we didn't stay long. My parents and Whitney also stopped by Friday night for a quick visit. Yesterday, Reagan really walked!! She walked from Ryan to me, and back again and again. I'm so proud of her!
Other big news....booked our Vegas tickets last week. VEGAS, HERE WE COME!!! Can't wait, we are so excited to go and I'm so glad we have our tickets! We fly out on Sat May 1st and are staying at the Flamingo until Tuesday May 4th. There are a bunch of us going so it will be so much fun. It will be me, Ryan, Michelle Nerison, Joe & Lindsey, Krista & Luke Swanson, Mike & Pam Murphy, Joe & Sara Murphy, Megan, Devon, and maybe Justan Duden. We're going for Ryan's 30th Birthday which is on April 29th. I asked him a couple years ago if he wanted to celebrate his golden birthday or his 30th!! So, Vegas it is, and we couldn't be more excited!

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Sleep Training Reagan and Last Pound of Baby Weight for Mommy

Our little girl is almost 9 months old and we've decided to start sleep training her. We've kind of created a monster, you know, the type that doesn't "self soothe" and go to sleep on her own. Most nights we put her to sleep or she falls asleep during her bottle. Even though that is the quickest method, I want Reagan to learn that she can do it on her own. So our first night of "sleep training" was Tuesday. I laid Reagan down and the method we're trying says to sit next to the crib the first few nights. You can talk to them and pat them but you can't take them out of the crib. Well, Reagan needs to be restrained. She constantly got up after each time I laid her back down. She fought it for about 1/2 hour, in the end, I won!! She feel asleep and I hadn't taken her out once. It was a great feeling.
(SIDE NOTE) OMG. Reagan just took her first step, well 2 of them actually, while I was sitting here typing this. She walked to the chair I'm sitting on. I can't believe it!!
So back to the sleep training. The 2nd night Reagan slept in bed with us all night and the same for the 3rd night. Needless to say, sleep training will have to begin all over again. The next time I'll have to make sure I'm entirely ready! Reagan does not sleep with us every night either. Just every once in awhile. What can I say, who doesn't love sleeping in a King bed.

Some other things Reagan has been up to: Waving bye-bye, crawling every way and getting into everything, she walks along furniture, and she even played a little catch with Ryan and I. Everyday it's something new! Oh, and she plays peek-a-boo! The other day I was loading the dishwasher so I put her in her walker since otherwise she tries to climb on the door. Well, she couldn't quite reach the dishes facing forward in the walker, so the next thing I know, she cruises by the dishwasher, backs it up in reverse, and reaches behind her. She can reach everything!! So smart!

I have about 1 more pound to lose, and then I've lost all 35 pounds of baby weight. I gave myself 9 months to lose it since that's how long it took me to gain it. I've been struggling with the last 13 pounds for about 5 months! And I'm hoping that by March 8th, I'll see the before pregnancy number on the scale once again. I started Weight Watchers online again about 4 weeks ago, which has helped me lose 5 pounds. I've also been making a few trips a week to the High School field house to do some walking and jogging. Thanks to Becky S. and my sister Laura who have kept me company!! So I'm upping my game, It 's time for Jillian Michael's 30 day Shred. Day 1 was yesterday and I was able to complete about 90% of all the push-ups and 95% of the cardio. Today, I'm feeling a little soar in the upper body but other than that, I feel great. Never mind the fact that I've been a bottom-less pit today, eating way more then necessary, so my workout yesterday is a mute point. Here's to a better Monday!

Monday, February 1, 2010

And it's Snowing again...

With the end of winter in sight, I hope, I'm so excited for Spring!! Reagan is almost 8 months old already and she is doing something new almost every day. She's been crawling now for about 3 weeks, just goes even faster every day. She pulls herself up on everything and as just started walking along the furniture. She has 2 or 4 teeth coming in on the bottom, I can't tell for sure how many. She is so darn cute abd trying to help me type this. She went with me to Ryan's alumni basketball games with me last Saturday. I sure love having a little best friend to go with me everywhere. Ryan's team lost their first game, won their second, and lost their third. So for the first time in awhile they didn't play Sunday. He's pretty soar today!! Ryan's been a stay-at-home dad the last few weeks, and he's been enjoying it. I told him, it's going to be so hard to go back to work. Especially because she is so much more fun everyday. She's a mix though still of a mama's girl and daddy's girl. Da-Da was her first word though. It's easier.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Vikings Win Again!!

We just watched the Vikes win another game, it's been a great season. We've been splitting up where we watch the games by taking turns each week between our house, Prink's house, and the Nerison's house. Everyone was over here today except Michelle, Sophia, and baby Finnegan. We missed them! So happy Finnegan is finally here. He looks just like his sister and daddy! I've only seen him once and he slept the whole time so hopefully when I visit this week, we'll be awake. Pam and I did a photo shot w/ Reagan last weekend for some Christmas pictures. See below, they're were a lot of cute ones w/ Willy but couldn't post them all. Yesterday Rea and I went out to lunch w/ my mom and sisters. Whitney finally got home the other day from school in Winona. They got 15 inches of snow there so she was stuck a couple extra days and now she's home until the 11th of January. After lunch we all went to mom's and baked a bunch of cookies, it was a nice Saturday! I was a little tired though from the night before. Some of us from wor
k went out to this dive bar in Eagan and yes, I sang a little karaoke. Everyone said I was pretty good, Ryan laughed when I told him that and he said they must have all been drunk. Thanks dear! Not much else going on other than that! Just hoping to finally get some Christmas presents bought this week. It's empty under our tree!

Monday, November 16, 2009

5 Months Old

Reagan is now over 5 months old! She is growing perfectly. She's sitting up by herself for a little bit at a time and rolling over constantly. She loves to walk on the kitchen floor in her walker. She always manages to come up behind me and smoke me in the heels! She celebrated her first Halloween dressed as a duck, although now I'm thinking it was more like a chick. We had a Halloween Party so there's some pics of us in costume. Ryan and I booked our Vegas trip today! I'm taking him for his 30th birthday in April, it's going to be so much fun. Other than that, we're just laying low waiting in anticipation for the holidays, baby Nerison, and Joe and Sara's wedding. It's going to be 2010 before we know it!

Friday, October 9, 2009

4 Months Old

Little Reagan is 4 months old as of yesterday!! I had the day off today to take my lil girl to the dr. office. She was all smiles and having a blast until the dreaded needles got slammed in her little thighs. She cried so hard she was gasping for breath, I was able to calm her down pretty quickly. She now weighs 13 lbs 3 1/2 ozs and is 24 1/2" long. Just were she is supposed to be. Her heads a little big, go figure though, Ryan is her dad.

Tonight it's going to be just Reagan and daddy as I am heading to Eagan w/ my sisters to have a few drinks and dinner. Looking forward to a little girl time.

Saturday, September 26, 2009


Well lil Miss Reagan finally rolled over from her back to her belly. She's been so close for the last week and she finally did it on Wednesday, for her dad only. I still have yet to see it, I did see her belly to back rollover at 6 weeks, but this is much bigger. I'm glad though that it was one of us who saw it. We're still working on it. Last night Pam and Laura were over and we were sitting around Reagan on the floor, she got over, but we screamed with excitement and she popped back over to her close:-)

Today we're venturing out for some garage sales. It's the city wide, last year at this time I was pregnant, didn't know though yet. And tomorrow we have another big Vikings game and Sophia's 2nd birthday party. I can't believe she's already 2!!!!

Reagan's been so intrigued by Willy these days. She just sits and watches him wherever he goes. I've attached some pictures of their tender moments.